If you give a preschooler an opportunity to serve…

Lately, Hannah and I have been reading the “If you give a mouse a cookie” book series thanks to Chick-fil-A.  So in the same way…

If you give a preschooler an opportunity to serve…

If you give a preschooler an opportunity to serve, they may ask you for a little money to buy a coat for a refugee child.

If you give them the money to buy a coat, then they will ask you to drive them to the store.

If you drive them to the store, they will ask you to take them to five stores before they find the perfect coat.

When they find the perfect coat, they will ask you to take them to the refugee camp to give the coat away.

If you take them to the refugee camp, they will connect with another child.

When they connect with another child, they will ask you to take them back again.

As you continue to take them back, they will develop a relationship with that child.

Once they develop a relationship, they will ask you to …

Give them an opportunity to serve together!

And along with that, you are changing your child’s heart!  They will see the poor as opportunities to share the love of God with rather than “those people” that they try to stay away from.  I wish I had learned this when I was a preschooler!

This is a picture of the coats that Hannah and I got using the money in the preschool offering jar from BLAST.  Thank you to everyone who gives offering each week!  We bought 15 coats for $55!  You can get creative when looking for coats.  We found these at the American Thrift Store in Athens.  15 kids will be warm this winter because of our preschoolers!  Don’t forget, we will be collecting all the coats on November 7th and 14th at the school.


  1. How does offering work in blast? Are they prompted at a certain time to get it out, or do they come on their own to put it in a special place?

    • They just put it in when they come in. We have a jar sitting next to the door. The last big push we did was a little before Anthony started in the class. 🙂

  2. Love this! I am definitely going to check out the thrift stores!

  3. OK. He’s been the self appointed “change collector” for a while, so we emptied his bank last week and counted over $30!!!! How does this child have so much?? So, we introduced the 3 jar system and he has 12 or so to give. Think we’ll let him purchase a coat and then begin splitting his change weekly and bringing it to class.

  4. BTW, Hannah’s portrait over your couch is gorgeous!!!

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