God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards

Hey families!

Hope you’ve found some time to cool off at a pool or something lately! It is stinkin’ hot!! Yesterday we talked about how Jesus told us that we were going to be the light of the world. What does light do? It helps you to see where you’re going. As Christ followers we should be showing other people the way to God. A city on a hill cannot be hidden and our light should not be hidden either. Remind your kids that they are to be the light of the world, not because they can glow in the dark but because they know the Truth!

Here are the GT & RD Cards for the week.

June 27, 2010GTcards

June 27, 2010RDcard

!!Volunteers Rock!!

Are you interested in serving in our Family Ministry?

Go to this website and answer a few questions for us. Then either Jono, Nicole or I will email you with further instructions πŸ™‚

This is a no strings attached thing. But we are in dire need of more volunteers! We have some awesome environments set up for our pre-schoolers, kids and teenagers to learn how to be Christ followers. The only thing we lack is you as their fearless leader!!

What in the World are you Doing?

In CLUB 252 we’re spending our summer collecting school supplies and book bags for a group of kids who live in a Refuge Camp in Stone Mountain. They don’t have much and will go without their back to school supplies if someone doesn’t step in and help. This is such a cool thing for your kids to get to be a part of!

Right now we’re collecting notebook paper and #2 pencils.

As much as your family can donate, please do! There are about 120 kids who need school supplies so buy cheap and look for sales πŸ™‚ and encourage your kids to spend their money to help as well. Remind them that God doesn’t bless us so we can keep it all for ourselves. He wants us to be generous to those who need help! It’s our Responsibility!!

Send what you donate to church with your kids on Sunday mornings.

God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards

Hey Families!

Yesterday we had a good time in Club 252! We talked about encouragement, which fell on a great day because we were able to remind the kids to encourage their dad’s on the awesome job their doing at leading their families. Hooray for all the great dads we have at CCWC!

We distinguished the difference between “Encouraging Words” and “Loser Words.” Encouraging words build others up, loser words, well they make people feel like a loser. Obviously God wants His children building others up with encouraging words. It’s our responsibility!

Here are the GT & RD Cards for the week.



Back Yard Bible Club

Back Yard Bible Club

August 2nd-6th from 3:30-6:00pmVolunteer Team Needs

Host Team

Our Host Team is the team of people who make sure all kids and parents are greeted by friendly faces. They must be extra enthusiastic about all the people showing up!! They greet kids as they arrive and assist them and their parents in knowing that they must register and then go to their small group meeting spot. After the first day they will remind kids to sign in before going to small group. The Host Team needs to work hard at learning the kids’ names so they can greet them when they show up every day. When parents come to drop their children off our Host Team needs to be the ones to connect with them and let them know a little bit about our BYBC and church if they’re interested.

Small Group & Activity Tracks

This team of people will be very important to our BYBC. You will be the ones making connections with the children all week! The small group leaders have a lesson plan for each day that goes along with the Bible Story we do in Power Up. Both locations will have a Small Group Team Leader who will make sure that each small group has their supplies each day and will work along with Autumn at collecting the supplies beforehand. The Activity Tracks will have a plan for each day as well. The Activity Tracks are Snacks, Crafts & Faith Skills. Each Activity Track Leader will have a teenager to help them.

The Small Group & Activity Tracks Leaders will also be acting as crowd control during Power Up (Bible Story Time).

Production Team

This is the group of people not afraid to tell a Bible story to a group of kids, lead the group in fun songs or act a fool in part of a skit! There are more technical things to be done too though, like making sure the songs are ready to go for worship and working with Autumn to gather any props needed for the Bible story or skits. We will want our Production Team to get together about a week before BYBC to paint signs that will be needed, make any props that must be created and of course practice the skits and silly songs a few times.

Registration Team

If you are comfortable greeting new people, organized enough to check kids in in an orderly manner, and friendly enough to handle a long line, let’s hope, everyday then we want you to be the face kids and parents see at our registration table! We need our Registration Team to be organized and able to keep up with their stuff so that we can follow-up with the families we connect with at BYBC. We may even ask you guys to get stamps and letters from the church office and follow-up with the families yourself!

There will be cards for you to fill out on Sunday letting us know that you want to serve and which team you would prefer to be on. BUT, if you already know or think you might forget about the card just go ahead and leave us a comment here letting us know!

God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards

Hey folks!

Once again, I’m sorry for not posting these until late Tuesday! My intent is usually to have the GT & RD Cards posted on Monday giving you as many days as possible to do all four GT Cards, but truthfully yesterday the intent wasn’t even there. I had class all day, a VBS meeting in the evening and then a project to put together all night. It was rough! But the class ends tomorrow and then I’m all yours for the summer πŸ™‚

So here are the GT & RD Cards for the week. Sunday we continued talking about Responsibility and about how God blesses us but doesn’t want us to keep these blessings buried or hidden. He wants a return! Jesus told a parable to help explain this to us. It was about a wealthy man that went on a journey and left his wealth with three of his workers. When he returned he was glad to find that two of them had doubled his money but was disappointed with the third worker because he buried his money. I told the kids that they have all been blessed with different things from God and that God doesn’t want them to “bury” those blessings but instead to share them with other people! When we use what God gives us He gets the return, just like the wealthy man in the story.

Remind your kids that they will be held responsible for what God gave them and how they used it! The GT & RD Cards for the week will help your child to understand this concept more, so try to do away with a thing or two that crowds your schedule and spend time doing these with your kids instead!



::Backyard Bible Club Volunteer Meeting::

If you’re interested in helping out with Backyard Bible Club this year we will have our first meeting for volunteers @ the WH next Monday, June 14th, from 6:30-8pm.

Our Backyard Bible Club will be Aug. 2nd-6th in Woodlake subdivision and one of the apartment complexes in Monroeand it will take place in the evenings.

We NEED Someone Special!!

Let me just open up to you all for a minute. There are some Sundays when I leave church thinking “wow, I am so NOT the person for this job!” I have this idea of what I want CLUB 252 to be like and then a Sunday comes along where EVERYTHING goes wrong and I melt down, not at church but to my husband on the way home πŸ™‚ He’s good at talking me off the cliff, and I know better than to make decisions or even form opinions based on the bad days. But in the week following I try to make it a point to evaluate what went wrong. I’m one who wants to fix things. If it’s not working then I don’t want to waste my energy.

*In case it’s not apparent, this is one of those weeks following when I am evaluating what went wrong. And if your child was one I sent home with paint on their clothes, I am SO SORRY! The wind was blowing, and the pictures the kids were painting went everywhere! It was washable paint and I tried to clean them up with my tide stick but I still feel terrible!

Okay, back to my spill. I am not a goofy person. Skit teams were all the rage when I was in the youth group and it was just known that I only wanted the serious parts. It was because I was not about to do a good job at the silly roles. Nothing has really changed. I get along with kids because I relate well to them, and I just like hanging out with them. To the untrained eye I can cope but I don’t think I am fooling the kids! Bible story time I can do because it has a more serious aspect to it. But our worship and funny skit time is supposed to be energetic and loud and silly! We have a group of teenagers who show up every Sunday to serve. They learn their lines and the hand motions to the songs but I am just not good at leading them in being silly and goofy like I want them to be. It’s hard to lead someone to do something that you’re not good at yourself. I want someone who will step in and be our worship leader, someone who will inspire the teenagers to act like fools to get the kids laughing in a way that I could NEVER do!! I want your kids to REFUSE to go into adult service with you because they don’t want to miss the fun to be had in Club 252!! So I’m praying hard this summer! I’m praying for God to send us this volunteer, and maybe even two of them so they can rotate πŸ™‚

Please pray with me! And if you are this person, please please please volunteer your time!! This is me begging because it is that important to me!

God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards

Hey Families!!

I hope you’re enjoying your summer! I’m taking a class on kids with special needs for the next couple weeks so I don’t really feel like my summer has begun, but when it does I hope to have some days by the pool!! Yesterday we began a new series that will lead us into our summer service project. We talked about responsibility and how God created the whole world and gave it to us, not so that we could be the boss of the world, but so that we would have purpose in taking care of it. The therapeutic love I have for watering my flowers can apparently be traced back to the creation story πŸ™‚

Anyways, we passed out temporary tattoos to your kids that say “caught”. These are for you to give to them when you catch them doing something responsible. Unfortunately we didn’t have enough to give like 10 to each kid like I planned. I was going to give a prize to the kid with the most tattoos on their body next Sunday morning but instead there will be a prize each week for EVERYBODY that has a “caught” tattoo on at Club 252! This will probably be the only time you feel like bragging about all the tattoos your child has gotten πŸ™‚ Save the tattoos we gave you so that you have one to give your kid each week. And if you got more than 4 tattoos, please bring the extras back to us. I tried to order more but they’re not for sale anymore 😦 Β  Make sure your kids put their tattoos on Saturday so that they will still be there Sunday morning. Encourage your kids, and please let them come to church wearing their tattoos, just this one time πŸ™‚

Here are the GT & RD Cards for the week!



New Month=New Operation Family Blueprint

If you aren’t sure what our Operation Family Blueprint is, check out this post.

Well it’s June, a new month, so that means it’s time for a new Operation Family Blueprint assignment! Yay! I hope you guys have done or plan to do these!! We have them on a board right beside the check-in table on Sunday mornings so either print them out here or grab one there!! AND make sure you send me pics of your family participating in your OFB, I would LOVE to see them πŸ™‚

June OFB Instructions