Daily Devotions

I really enjoy reading Holly Furtick’s blog each week. I am neither a pastor’s wife nor a mother but I still enjoy everything she has to say. She had a giveaway on her blog a few weeks ago for a daily devotional titled Jump Start 365. I didn’t win it 😦 but I think I’m going to buy it for myself. For the first time EVER I am reading the New Testament straight through. It’s overwhelming, but I’m going to do it! I think I’ve never done it before because I know my tendancy to not finish things I begin. So I thought to myself, “why set myself up to fail?” That’s probably not a good thing to admit to everyone, but it’s true none the less.

Anyways, I want this devotional book to read at the BEGINNING of each day. I usually read my Bible at night. I’ve tried the morning thing but it has just not ever worked for me. These devotions look short and sweet enough for even the least of morning people, me included.

I don’t have children but I work at an elementary school during the week and I see your kids every Sunday so I see the results of kids having a rough morning. Sometimes there is no stopping a bad morning, everyone has those kind of days. I know when I’m rushed in the morning it affects my morning and sometimes my mood for the whole day. I think starting the day out by reading a few verses and praying to God would possibly allow the morning to go smoother, for supernatural reasons. When you’re having a smooth morning, your kids are more likely to have a smooth morning.

So check out this book if you’re in the market for a devotion to do at the beginning of your day.

God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards

Okay parents, here are the GT & RD cards for last Sunday. I almost made my goal to post these for you on Monday. You guys are going to have to get in the habit of reading the blog while I’m getting in the habit of blogging 🙂



Family Times

The reThink Group has a bunch of  really cool resources for your family.  Here’s one you should definitely check out!

Parents want to raise children with good character and values. They want to talk to their kids about God and His plan for their lives. But where do they start? What do they say? How do they find the time?

FamilyTimes™ is designed to equip parents with easy-to-use tools to make the most of a family’s everyday moments together. These tools are based on a biblical model in Deuteronomy 6 that teaches that children can learn about God at home during the everyday rhythm of their lives.

And the best part is that FamilyTimes doesn’t require any extra time from parents! It simply helps them be intentional 20 minutes per week doing what they already do.

God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards

Here are the God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards from last Sunday.

1.17.10 RDcard

1.17.10 GTcard

From now on we WILL NOT BE printing these out to give to you on Sundays. You will be able to find them here every Monday, with this week being the exception since we just started the blog yesterday :)

We really want you making time to do these with your children. They are age appropriate devotionals that go along with our monthly virtue in Club 252. Plus they help your child to form the habit of spending time with Jesus everyday! What a great habit to begin at such a young age. Your child’s closeness to God will always depend on the time they spend with Him. We’re always telling the kids in Club 252 that Jesus wants to be their best friend and that the way you let someone know that they’re your best friend is by spending time with them.

To encourage your kids and provide them with a little friendly competition we give points for attendance, bringing their Bibles, doing their GT Cards and bringing them back signed by a parent, and memorizing a monthly Bible verse which is found on the RD Cards. We randomly let the small group with most points have a game day on Sunday morning. Games include all the fun board games kids love PLUS Nintendo Wii games on the big screen. I told the kids that I could feel a game day coming soon so they should be working hard to do their GT and memory verses. Please encourage them as well!


A Splink is a SIMPLE way to LINK your family together spiritually.
It’s a FREE weekly email packed with ideas to help connect your family. Splinks are creative ways of interacting with your children with family devotional starters and ideas for family time. Splinks can also help you use teachable moments to pass along spiritual truths and life lessons while making memories or just having fun together. No matter where you are, it can always be time for a Splink!

Sign up now to have the weekly Splink emailed straight into your inbox. What are you waiting for? Get Splinking!

What Will I Be When I Grow Up?

Children’s Ministry Magazine recommended this book and I wanted to pass it along to our parents.

It’s titled What Will I Be When I Grow Up? It made me think of all of our 5th graders moving up into the youth ministry soon. We do everything we can we can to make the transition as smooth and painless as possible! But I know it’s still scary. Anyways, here’s what CM Magazine has to say about this book.

“This illustrated book lets kids explore what they might be when they grow up. From doctors to hairstylists to builders, kids can dream of different jobs in the future and discover that no matter what they do as adults, they’re special to God and they can please Him in everything they do.”

I thought it looked like a good read for our K-5 kids 🙂

Here’s the link to the book on Amazon.

What Bible do we use in CLUB 252??

We read and study out of the NIrV in Club 252. If you’re looking to buy your child a new Bible  check out this version. It’s easier to read and your child will be able to follow along with us in large group & small group.

Resources Galore!

We hope that you and your family will check this blog often for resources & ideas for spiritual growth for your family!