::God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards::

Yesterday we taught the kids that what goes in must come out. This applies to pretty much everything, including our hearts. Garbage in, garbage out. Bad words in, bad words out. Good thoughts in, good thoughts out.

Remind your kids “Think about what God says, and it’ll change you.Philippians 4:8

Here are the GT & RD Cards for the week.

Aug. 29, 2010GTCards

Aug. 29, 2010RDCard

I promise to get back in the habit of blogging soon! Between school starting back, work for me, then buying and moving into our first house, it’s been a busy month for the Dells! But don’t worry! I know there are still SEVERAL awesome small group leaders to be recognized. I haven’t forgotten 😉

::God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards::

Just because you didn’t start a fight doesn’t mean you can’t stop it. Sometimes you have to GET INVOLVED. If not for the cool, calm wisdom of Abigail, everyone would’ve paid the price for Nabal’s rude, selfish behavior and David’s hot-headed reaction (1 Samuel 25).

Here are the GT & RD Cards for the week. Enjoy!

August 22, 2010GTCards

August 22, 2010RDCard

*If your a parent with a child new to CLUB 252 this year, aka a kindergarten parent, the God-Time Cards are designed to be a quiet time that your child can do during the week.  I would actually encourage you to do them along with your child. They’re totally age appropriate and easy to do! The coolest thing about it is that they go along with what we’re learning about in Club 252!  The Refrigerator Door Cards are good too! They’re meant to simply hang on your fridge to give you a few conversation starters for meal times or any other time you tend to enjoy chatting with your kids!

These are awesome, easy to use tools to help YOU disciple your child!! We wouldn’t share them with you if we didn’t think they were worth your time 🙂

Hope you all have a great week!!

God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards + A Few Fun Fotos :)

Here’s what we learned yesterday in CLUB 252:

It’s better to let go than to get even.

Sometimes you have to CHOOSE TO FORGIVE. Jacob was a liar and a cheat, but Esau demonstrated the upside of letting go (Genesis 33).

And here are the GT & RD Cards for the week:

July 15, 2010GTCards

July 15, 2010RDCard

And now for a few photos from when we delivered the school supplies to the kids living in the Refuge Apartments…

Thank you EVERYONE who contributed!! The kids were SO EXCITED!

God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards

This month we’re learning about the virtue of peace in Club 252. It’s a cool thing to learn about because Jesus told us that those who are peacemakers will be blessed. Sometimes it’s hard to be a peacemaker because I forget that whatever my agenda is, it should never be more important than the person I disagree with. We told the kids that peace is “proving that you care more about others than winning an argument.” The bottom line for last Sunday was, “making peace does not make you weak.”

In Genesis chapter 26 we read about Issac’s conflict with the locals over water rights and how he chose to be the peacemaker even though he was very powerful. That choice didn’t make him weak but actually demonstrated true strength!

Here are the GT & RD Cards to do with your kids this week.



PS- Stay tuned for pictures from when we delivered the school supplies and book bags to the kids living in the Refuge Apartments. I want all of you who donated to be able to see how excited they were!!

School Supplies for Refuge Kids

Our families are AWESOME! I sent out an email this morning reminding everyone that we were collecting school supplies for kids living in the Refuge Apartments to deliver this Saturday. I also let everyone know what we still needed. I received several emails promising supplies and we’re a lot closer to having everything we need now. Actually, as I type this Jayne Wahr just dropped supplies off at my house! We do need a few more things though. Here’s what we still lack.

100 packs of paper

51 boxes of crayons

183 folders (they’re 15 cents @ Wal Mart by the way)

137 boxes of colored pencils

137 pairs of scissors

147 rulers

We have all we need of pencils, spiral notebooks, & glue sticks!!

Please leave a comment here on the blog to let us know if you’re able to get something. That way we don’t have too many of one item and not enough of another.

If you’re a parent you know how much school supplies cost each year. Imagine if you had no way of paying for your kids to have the things they need for the new school year. Some of you may have found yourselves in that situation considering the economy right now. I pray that this makes life a little easier on these parents and that the kids will be super excited about getting brand new stuff and not having to worry about whether their parents can afford their supplies.

Remember, God doesn’t bless us just to have us keep it all for ourselves!!

Here are the faces of some of the kids who we’ll be delivering the school supplies to.

God-Time & Refigerator Door Cards

Busy week! Here they are. You know what to do. Now don’t forget to come hang out with us at Back Yard Bible Club!

