::God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards::

Yesterday we taught the kids that what goes in must come out. This applies to pretty much everything, including our hearts. Garbage in, garbage out. Bad words in, bad words out. Good thoughts in, good thoughts out.

Remind your kids “Think about what God says, and it’ll change you.Philippians 4:8

Here are the GT & RD Cards for the week.

Aug. 29, 2010GTCards

Aug. 29, 2010RDCard

I promise to get back in the habit of blogging soon! Between school starting back, work for me, then buying and moving into our first house, it’s been a busy month for the Dells! But don’t worry! I know there are still SEVERAL awesome small group leaders to be recognized. I haven’t forgotten 😉

::God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards::

Just because you didn’t start a fight doesn’t mean you can’t stop it. Sometimes you have to GET INVOLVED. If not for the cool, calm wisdom of Abigail, everyone would’ve paid the price for Nabal’s rude, selfish behavior and David’s hot-headed reaction (1 Samuel 25).

Here are the GT & RD Cards for the week. Enjoy!

August 22, 2010GTCards

August 22, 2010RDCard

*If your a parent with a child new to CLUB 252 this year, aka a kindergarten parent, the God-Time Cards are designed to be a quiet time that your child can do during the week.  I would actually encourage you to do them along with your child. They’re totally age appropriate and easy to do! The coolest thing about it is that they go along with what we’re learning about in Club 252!  The Refrigerator Door Cards are good too! They’re meant to simply hang on your fridge to give you a few conversation starters for meal times or any other time you tend to enjoy chatting with your kids!

These are awesome, easy to use tools to help YOU disciple your child!! We wouldn’t share them with you if we didn’t think they were worth your time 🙂

Hope you all have a great week!!

God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards + A Few Fun Fotos :)

Here’s what we learned yesterday in CLUB 252:

It’s better to let go than to get even.

Sometimes you have to CHOOSE TO FORGIVE. Jacob was a liar and a cheat, but Esau demonstrated the upside of letting go (Genesis 33).

And here are the GT & RD Cards for the week:

July 15, 2010GTCards

July 15, 2010RDCard

And now for a few photos from when we delivered the school supplies to the kids living in the Refuge Apartments…

Thank you EVERYONE who contributed!! The kids were SO EXCITED!

God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards

This month we’re learning about the virtue of peace in Club 252. It’s a cool thing to learn about because Jesus told us that those who are peacemakers will be blessed. Sometimes it’s hard to be a peacemaker because I forget that whatever my agenda is, it should never be more important than the person I disagree with. We told the kids that peace is “proving that you care more about others than winning an argument.” The bottom line for last Sunday was, “making peace does not make you weak.”

In Genesis chapter 26 we read about Issac’s conflict with the locals over water rights and how he chose to be the peacemaker even though he was very powerful. That choice didn’t make him weak but actually demonstrated true strength!

Here are the GT & RD Cards to do with your kids this week.



PS- Stay tuned for pictures from when we delivered the school supplies and book bags to the kids living in the Refuge Apartments. I want all of you who donated to be able to see how excited they were!!

God-Time & Refigerator Door Cards

Busy week! Here they are. You know what to do. Now don’t forget to come hang out with us at Back Yard Bible Club!



Why aren’t you doing your God-Time Cards exactly??

The small group leaders and I ask that a lot of the kids. They give varying answers. Usually along the lines of their moms and dads won’t let them print them off. I have a feeling that is not completely true but I thought you as parents should know that your kids are TOTALLY blaming you!!

The truth is that your kids will likely never be the ones to come to you about doing their GT cards, not at first at least. Spending time with Jesus is something that they will likely struggle with their whole lives. Satan knows that in order to get us to stumble all he has to do is distract us from spending time in the Word. Think about your quiet times. Do you do them everyday? Do you feel that inner struggle of reading your Bible verses doing the millions of other things you need to get done? Do you wish that spending time with Jesus everyday was more of a priority for you? Hearing a Bible story every Sunday morning will not develop a close relationship between Jesus and your child! I am always telling them that in order to be best friends with someone you HAVE to spend time with them! It’s obvious! And it’s obvious that these GT Cards are a good thing for families to do together!! So PLEASE find the time to instill this habit in your children!! They’re not going to instill it into themselves and this is definitely NOT somewhere to slack off.

Okay, so here are some practical time to do your GT Cards…

For all you home-school parents out there, incorporate it into your classwork. Find 15 minutes each day during “school time” to do GT Cards.

For the early risers, do them in the morning with your children while they eat breakfast before school. How much more positive could your morning be?

For the hectic morning people, don’t even try doing them in the AM. Dinner time is great or right before bed as long as it’s not too tempting to skip them because of how tired everyone is…

If you’re one to leave early to drop your kids off at school and spend 10 minutes sitting in line, have your children do their GT Cards then.

If you have to drop your kids off at school or day care really early, send your child with their GT Cards and tell them to do them before school starts. You will need to check each afternoon to make sure they really did them, but can give yourselves bonus points because you’re teaching your child not to be ashamed to let people see them spending time with Jesus!

If your family does their GT cards and have any other creative times to share with everyone, please do!!! And even if you don’t have a creative time that you do them, share with us anyways because it’s encouraging to hear about parents raisin their children to be authentic disciples of Christ!!

God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards

We just finished our last week in our summer series of Responsibility and Service. It was a good Summer!! We learned that it’s our responsibility to serve others and that serving means “lending a hand to someone in need”.

Yesterday specifically we talked about serving in secret. We told the story in the Bible where Jesus told His disciples not to let their left hand know what their right hand was doing. He meant not to brag about our good deeds. When we serve we should be doing it for God’s glory and out of love, not for our own attention and praise! I lead the Kindergarden group and we molded something out of play-doh to represent a way that we’ve served other people. I told them not to tell each other or me what they were making because God doesn’t want us going around telling everyone about how much we serve others. He wants us to do it in secret. It was really sweet watching them! I couldn’t tell what any of their sculptures were but God knew and that was the point 🙂

Even though our Summer of Responsibility and Service is up we still have one more weekend before we deliver the school supplies to the Refuge Camp. That means you have ONE MORE WEEK to buy school supplies to donate. Please, please, PLEASE don’t miss out on this opportunity to serve these kids!! Your kids are excited about doing it so get excited that they’re excited and “lend a hand to someone in need”.

Here are the GT & RD Cards for the week



God-Time & Refrigerater Door Cards

What in the world are you doing to put others first? Jesus put others first in countless ways, and He wants us to do the same (John 13:1-17). Me first or you first? Our words and actions answer that question every day. Do our words and actions help others experience Jesus’ love?

Here are the GT & RD Cards to do with your kids this week.



God-Time & Refrigerater Door Cards

Hey Families!

Awesome night tonight @ Kidology Live!! It is so much fun having all of our pre-school & elementary aged kids together with their parents worshiping! If you weren’t there you missed a good time, so make sure to make plans to be at our next one which will hopefully be scheduled for sometime in late September.

If you don’t have older kids in the student ministry @ CCWC then you may not know that this upcoming week is our Refuge Camp. It has taken the place of our summer retreat the past two years and as a volunteer it doesn’t make me miss those week long trips to youth camp at all! Basically we pack up and head south, but only about 30 minutes, to a church near Stone Mountain. We spend the week ministering to people between Monroe & Atlanta. The teenagers get to give of themselves in such cool ways. Not to knock the youth camps, but I just love that the teenagers get to see how much God cares about others and learn first hand how to serve those who have so little or even nothing at all. It also goes along with what we’ve been learning about in CLUB 252 this month, SERVING.

With that being said, I will be at Refuge Camp this week and out of the office, hence the GT & RD Cards being posted on Sunday night! I bet you didn’t think I was capable of being so on the ball 🙂

I also wanted to post this funny picture of the 1/2 grade small group acting as the good Samaritans & bandaging up poor little Eileen! They covered her in like a hundred bandaids & cloth bandages and then carried her on a beach towel, like any “good Samaritan” would do 🙂

And FINALLY here they are, the GT & RD Cards,  after much ado…use them wisely 🙂



God-Time & Refrigerator Door Cards

What in the world are you doing that’s more than you have to do?

Jesus did more than He had to for people, and He wants us to go the extra mile, too (Matthew 5:41). Every day we have the choice to “get by” or to go the extra mile. When we do more than we have to for others, what does that show them about God?

Remind your kids that we look most like Jesus when we’re serving others, or “going the extra mile”!

Here are the GT & RD Cards for the week



ALSO, don’t forget to keep bringing in school supplies to donate to the kids in the Refuge Camp! This is an easy way you can serve others and get your kids in on it as well. We’ve opened it up to the whole church and asked another church to help us out as well because there are A TON OF KIDS living there!! Here are the things we’re collecting at Crossroads…

notebook paper, #2 pencils, glue sticks, scissors, boxes of tissue, crayons, small spiral notebooks & colored pencils

What we’re doing in the Dell household is spending $20 a week on a particular item, for example we bought 18 packs of glue sticks last weekend. I challenge your families to pick an amount to spend on school supplies each week and buy as much as you can.

Remember, God doesn’t bless us so we can keep it all for ourselves! This is a really cool way to teach that to your kids while helping other people’s kids!!

The tentative plan is to bring these supplies to the kids in the Refuge Camp on August 1st.